Of course I couldn’t help myself during my last visit at the garden center. More veggies. Some beets. I never tried to grow those before, so we’ll see how that goes.
And some all time favorite (though not my favorite meal): endives.
In the herb bed things are growing very well. That’s peppermint and lemon balm, and in the right behind it you can just see the cola herb I planted (it has a different official name, but it smells like the soda). To the left there’s chamomile, but the little white flowers are other flowers, just for the beauty of it (and for picking, but I can’t have flowers in the house with all the hay fever going on).
The next batch of radishes is coming up already.
And some carrots are too (but just a few).
The lettuce isn’t coming up at all. I sowed it in that little corner of the bed, but nothing is happening. Next year I’m ordering biological seeds again (I had those two years ago, they did so much better than the garden center stuff I have now).
Luckily my three sisters are doing quite well. It’s a bit full and messy, but I love seeing it all grow together.
The first zucchini flowers. Love spotting these.
Not in the garden, but on the roofterrace: a salad bar. I bought some lettuce seedlings and planted them in our old barbecue (it has a few holes – rust- in the bottom, but some anti root fabric (how do you call that in English?) took care of that). I hardly ever see snails up there (spiders I do see, but that’s another story), so I hope to outsmart them like this and finally have some home grown salad this summer.
It is growing well. The picture above is from when I planted them (the 26th), the one below is from this morning
Oh, and the red is meant to be, I’m aiming for a happy mixed salad and bought some red lettuce too. I was wondering why it was called red when I planted them, since there was only a little red in the leaves, but now I understand