I’ve been browsing the blog to make sure, but this seems to be my first finished knitting/crafty project this year. Oy! No wonder I feel off…
Anyway. This simple hat actually took me a while to knit, but it turned out just as I wanted it to be, a simple k2 p2 ribbing, followed by garter stitch. I love it! If we had the right temperatures for it, I would be wearing it a lot.
Now I’m secretly hoping the beginning of May (when we’re in Holland again) will be chilly enough to wear it (nah, not really! – I’ll safe it for December).
What I did:
CO 80 st.
K2 P2 to end of round
repeat until desired height
switch to garter stitch (alternating K rounds and P rounds)
repeat until desired height
start decreases:
SSK to end of round (40 st left)
SSK to end of round (20 st left)
SSK to end of round (10 st left)
pull thread through remaining stitches, weave in ends