Last Friday, I felt seriously under the weather. I had been sniffing a bit throughout the week, but I woke up that morning with a sore throat and feeling feverish. Although the media assure us that The Virus is not on the island, I thought I’d better be safe than sorry and rest as much as possible (I tend to ignore colds).
That was actually really, really hard.
But I managed.
I did a little bit of laundry, some cooking and the dishes and I wiped down the toilet, but other than that, I just rested, read a book, browsed through the archives of*, did some knitting and drank a lot of tea and lime juice.
Did it help?
I intended to wake up Saturday and get back to work. My garden has been neglected since that one weekend and there were some other chores to do too. But I felt even worse than Friday, so I took another day off. And on Sunday I felt slightly better, but still not up to work.
So that one sick day turned into a long weekend. Oh well, I guess I needed it.
Today, I do feel better. Still not good, but at least up to some house and computer work. I’m still coughing and sniffing though. And now T. is still in bed, feeling sick…
I guess this won’t be a productive week.
Although all that sitting and resting is good for knitting. I almost finished that hat and I finally got a big part of the Current Cowl done too.
I may need to rest just a little bit more…
*yes, I know I’m obsessed, but her blog -especially the older posts – always make me feel happier, relaxed and more grounded