In my garden…
:: my lantana really benefits from watering twice a day. It looked almost dead and now it’s flowering again
:: berbena is growing like crazy too, benefiting from the wastewater from my kitchen, shower and washingmachine. Those were never connected to the cess pit, but the water ended up on the path. I finally extended the pipes into the middle of my garden.
:: I’m growing more lemongrass than I’ll ever be able to make tea with
:: the tuturutu is blooming too
:: and the flamboyan trees that were completely bold are having a great time too, making leaves and even flowers (for the first time – I grew them from seed a few years ago)
So, all is great and my garden is perfectly kept? Ha! Nope. Reality check:
:: a thorntree that I usually cut back as much as I can somehow grew a branch that is so long that it’s hanging over my path (it’s hard to take a picture of, but you can spot it in the third picture)
:: devils thread is trying to invade my garden again (nasty stuff, it kills the plants it grows on and you literally have to unravel it carefully, because even half an inch will survive and grow out again)
:: we had a big pile of gravel delivered and we were half way making paths. Right now it’s too hot for that kind of hard labor, so that project is on hold until it’s cooler (that can take a while) or until I feel like I can handle the heat again (had a bit of a heatstroke last week, so I’m a little bit more careful now).
:: and I really need to do some weeding and pruning
But that’s okay. I still love my garden!
it is always a delight to see your garden!!