Such a nice picture to start this post with, isn’t it? But to be honest, this is what my whole garden looks like right now. Lots of rain, combined with the gardener (that would be me) being sick all the time makes a very good combinations for all the weeds.
Of course, as an (aspiring) herbalist and a nature lover, I really don’t see any plant as a weed.
I mean… how beautiful are these?
Look at that beautiful leaf!
But this little square space is more or less our front garden. We have a weird layout, but if you walk up the steps to the front door, this will be what you have to look at. So I really wanted to clean it up a bit and I thought this was the perfect little project to start with now that I’m feeling a bit better. You know, small steps.
Don’t worry, I made sure there were other specimen of the same species growing somewhere else in my garden and I replanted some of the ones I pulled out somewhere else.
So this is what it looks like now. I (re)planted (dug them up from elsewhere in the garden) two bromelias and some lemongrass to add a little bit of green. I am very happy with it!
Oh, for those of you who have been here a long time: yes, that’s the little palm tree we planted four years ago.
It now looks like this: