This week in my kitchen:
:: I experimented with adding radish leaves to the spinach I was stir-frying. We didn’t taste anything different, so I guess that’s good.
:: there was even more stir-frying later that week. It’s my favorite way to cook. I love gathering ingredients, cutting and changing plans half-way because I find something that needs to be used up first (in this case some mushrooms).
:: I made pasta sauce. I learned how to make ‘real’ Italian sauce from our Italian landlord in Curaçao. It’s a simple recipe, but it tastes oh so good (forgot to take pictures of the sauce though).
:: I added a can of sweetcorn and some corniches to our salad for a change. Everybody loved it, so I’ll do that again (forgot to take a good picture again – need to work on being a better blogger).