1. I am so tired! I try to work in the garden at least an hour a day, but my body isn’t as strong as it used to be. Or this is harder work than I’ve ever done, that could also be the case. I’m still in the phase of cleaning the grounds. Need to kill or dig out the stumps of the thorn bushes before I can really start planting. So it’s hard work that I can do only for a short time. But I am having fun with it.
2. We’re allowed to go swimming! And since we’re on walking distance from a beach, we can go each day again, if we want to (driving somewhere in your car is still only two days a week). That feels like so much freedom.
3. I went grocery shopping yesterday. Okay, I mostly went potting soil shopping and picked up some groceries too. That last part made it into quite the experience since I had to visit a lot of shops. T. told me I could pack a total of 200 liters in the car, but I only managed to buy 150. Oh well, at least I can pot some plants. Seeds are coming up faster than I can buy potting soil. I may have to make another round Saturday (Wednesday and Saturday are the days our car is allowed on the road – they check the first letter of your license plate).
I deleted my rant about social distancing that followed here (we all have thoughts about it, I’m sure). I’ll just say that if that virus is as contagious as they say, we’re about to have a really big breakout here. Two of the shops I don’t visit usually were really crowded and nobody was keeping their distance…
linking up with Carole’s Three on Thursday