Right now I am…
… not capable of writing a cohesive blogpost about one single subject. So I decided to go with a right now post today.
… feeling a cool wind blowing. So happy with that.
… hearing birds singing. They like the cooler weather too. Sadly, I can’t hear them too well. I’ve been fighting an ear infection for two weeks now and it still hasn’t cleared up
… looking at the garden and having mixed feelings about it. I’m very happy that it’s growing so well and that things are so green right now, but it does need some work and I’m not sure when I’ll feel up to swinging pick axes and other big tools for all the weeding and pruning I need to do.
… binge reading Katie Fforde. I really like how British her books are and I love that her characters (both men and women) are normal people, not the unrealistic perfect beings so many feel good/romance novels seem to have.
… hoping to get a bit more productive later in the week (that infection will clear up soon, yes?). There are so many things I’d like to do and so many things I need to do.
… not knitting as much as I want to (because of all the reading), but I am having fun with that hat (I’ll share an update later this week).
… trying to think ahead. We’ll leave for The Netherlands in less than five weeks and we’ll stay there four weeks. I want to leave the house behind clean and the garden… well, I guess I should let go of the idea to make it perfect before we go. It’s the rainy season, things grow so fast now. But it would be nice if I had some maintenance done.
… telling myself to take time to get better first though, and not to overdo it as soon as I feel better (as I normally do), because I really want to feel good when we’re in The Netherlands. We have a grandson to play with, Christmas to celebrate, a daughter getting married and lots of family to visit.
… wishing you all a great start to your week.
hope you feel better for your trip! I had to scale back the knitting because of hand and wrist pain, this just gives me more time to read!
I hope so too. And I hope your hand and wrist heal soon. But more time to read is great too. 😉